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President strengthens SLFP to face possible separation


Aug 22, 2016 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s President Maithripala Sirisena today appointed a new district leader and a new organizer for Sri Lanka Freedom Party to face a possible division of the party. President’s Media Division said State Minister of Finance Lakshman Yapa Abeywardana has been appointed to the post of leader for the SLFP for the Matara district. President also appointed Western Province Minister Gamini Thilakasiri as the party’s new organizer for Homagama electorate.
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New appointees received their appointment letters from President at the President’s Office.
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Thilakasiri replaces former organizer Bandula Guawardhana while Abeywardana replaces Dallas Alahapperuma after their resignations from the posts. Last week, President appointed 41 new organizers to the Sri Lanka Freedom Party removing most of the joint opposition members from their posts. Meanwhile, joint opposition Parliamentarian S M Chandrasena said they already finalized preparing the necessary work for forming a new party including the constitution of the new party. However, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa continuously denying the statements of forming a new party says he is a still a SLFPer. The joint opposition is to held a crucial meeting today to decide weather they joins the 65th SLFP convention scheduled to be held in Kurunegala under President’s leadership. Several key decisions are expected to be taken at the party convention.
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President Maithripala Sirisena recently emphasized that he would not let those who crowned with the fraud, corruption, waste and robbery to rule this country again. tilakasiri
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