Sales of the morning-after pill are soaring at 30,000 packs a month, as lquote Postinor takes over from males reluctant to snap on that condom.rn
Only 3.3 percent of males use condoms, with birth control largely geared toward females - an imbalance the Family Planning Association is trying to alterrn
rnldblquote Males still think family planning is what women should do and we are trying to re-address that balance and try to promote condom use among males dblquote , Director at the Family Planning Association (FPA), A Abeysinghe said.rn
rnldblquote It is also largely an attitudinal change that is needed with a social stigma still attached to it. Condoms are one of the cheapest methods of contraceptives, with a pack of three selling at Rs.20, dblquote says Abeysinghe. rn
rnBut at the moment, the pill still tops popularity charts with the drug having a 98 percent success rate if taken 72 hours after intercourse.rn
rnWith contraceptive use largely driven by the Family Planning Association, prev