People waiting all day in long queues braving the blazing sun to get their passports at the Immigration and Emigration Department is a common sight in Colombo.rnrn
The department, which issues passports, deals with over three thousand people who come to its cramped and dilapidated offices at Bambalapitiya daily to get new passports or renew old ones.rn
rnUsually, they issue a passport in one day. But for many who come are not familiar with their procedures, getting a new passport or renewing one could be a nightmare.
rnAn efficiency improvement program at the department is now training employees people skills and efficiency improvement skills to better the situation.rn
rnldblquote We had a hard time streamlining the department, dblquote said Jagath Wijeweera, Deputy Controller, Immigration and Emigration.rn
rnldblquote Changing of attitude was a problem. Public sector members can be stubborn, some of them can have super ego and then there is the red tape.
We have to change these attitudes