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Otara’s “Embark” spreads more love and compassion in Q1- 2015/16


July 20, 2015 (LBO) - Sri Lanka’s fashion brand supported animal welfare programme, Embark has performed 2592 street dogs vaccinations, 1458 sterilizations and 51 adoptions, in first quarter of 2015-16, a statement said.
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Embark and partner organisations have vaccinated 2,592 stray dogs, performed 1,458 sterilisations and given a total of 51 puppies in adoption between April and June 2015, a statement issued by the Embark foundation said.
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“We are happy that we are gaining momentum as communities and local authorities around the country see the benefits and importance of working together for a good cause,” Otara Gunewardene, Founder and Entrepreneur, Embark said in the statement. “It is a pleasure to see more and more people understand the importance of treating these sentient beings with kindness and love.
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” When Embark celebrated its eighth anniversary in May this year, the programme had already been responsible for 14,183 sterilisations, 12,536 treatments, 33,901 vaccinations, and 2,105 adoptions. The main objective of Embark is to change attitudes and mindsets amongst the public towards street dogs, the statement said.
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"This is achieved by advocating practical approaches to connecting with community animals which will in turn reduce different forms of animal cruelty."
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