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Ongoing curfew in Western Province extended further

Apr 20, 2020 (LBO) – Ongoing curfew in the districts of Colombo, Gampaha, Kalutara, and Puttalam will remain in force until 5.00 am on Monday, April 27th, amending the earlier announcement, the President's Media Division said.

In all other districts, curfew will be effective from 8.00 pm to 5.00 am till Friday, April 24th.

In these areas, curfew will be re-imposed at 8.00 pm on Friday, the 24th of April and continue until 5.
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00 am on Monday, April 27th.

In these districts, curfew will be continued to be in force during the weekend, April 25th and 26th.

Travelling to and from the districts of Colombo, Gampaha, Kalutara, and Puttalam is completely prohibited for every citizen.

Conditions and guidelines announced earlier on the continuation of essential services and agricultural activities will remain unchanged.

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