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Oil prices at US$108 after US inventory data

LONDON, September 4, 2008 (AFP) - Oil prices fell on Thursday as the market digested the latest weekly snapshot of US energy stockpiles which recorded a bigger than-expected drop.
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New York's main contract, light sweet crude for delivery in October, slipped 50 cents to 108.85 dollars a barrel.

Brent North Sea crude for October dropped 73 cents to 107.

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The US Department of Energy (DoE) said crude stockpiles had dropped by 1.

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9 million barrels in the week to August 29, much bigger than the drop of 300,000 forecast by analysts.

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Distillates, which include heating fuel, fell by 400,000 barrels last week, though analysts had expected a bigger drop of 600,000.

Distillates are being watched closely by the market ahead of the northern hemisphere winter.

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The latest DoE report was published a day later than usual because of Monday's Labour Day holiday in the United States.

Prices fell even though most US crude oil production in the Gulf of Mexico remained off-line after refinery outages caused by Hurricane Gustav.

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The hurricane's limited damage to US energy facilities had earlier in the week provided a huge relief and allowed prices to fall s

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