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August 27, 2007 (LBO) – The powerful engineers union of Sri Lanka's state-owned electricity utility has temporarily suspended industrial action started last week, following talks with senior government officials. Secretaries to the President, the treasury and energy and the CEB chairman met the Ceylon Electricity Board Engineers Union (CEBEU) Sunday after a work-to-rule campaign began to cripple the national distribution system over the weekend.

A CEBEU official said talks were cordial and they were suspending the work-to-rule campaign pending the implementation of actions promised at Sunday's meeting.

However a non-co-operation campaign with anyone above CEB general manager would continue and engineers would continue to stay away from technical evaluation committees and getting involved in unsolicited deals.

In addition to administrative matters, and differences with a newly appointed chairman, the CEBEU had been unhappy over attempts to portray a purchase of truck-mounted augur drills, used for mounting distribution poles, as a fraud.

The technical evaluation committee has approved the tender of a party that offered Austrian made drills mounted on Ashok Leyland trucks costing just over 50 mi

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