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Nirj Deva seeking a 5th term in the European Parliament

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May 11, 2019 (LBO) - Niranjan Deva Aditya, more commonly known as the Hon. Nirj Deva, is seeking a fifth term in the European Parliament elections scheduled for May 23rd.

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The British elected European Parliamentarian of Sri Lankan descent is one of the longest serving European Parliamentarians.

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He has served in the legislative body for 20 years, first being elected in 1999.

He has also previously contested for the Presidency of the European Parliament, whose members have included global figures such as Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen.

Contesting parliament from the UK, his political future will depend much on if the UK follows through with brexit.

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If for some reason brexit doesn't happen, and Deva is re-elected, he will be one of the most senior members of one of the world's most important legislative bodies.

Deva has deep connections with Sri Lanka, and has provided assistance and counsel to Sri Lankan leaders for decades.

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He is an old boy of St. Joseph's College Colombo.

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