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New website to provide early warning signals for paddy, vegetable producers


Jan 30, 2019 (LBO) – Socio-Economic and Planning Centre of the Department of Agriculture has launched a new website for Sri Lankan farmers, which aims to provide updated information in order to educate them to make productive decisions regarding their crops. This website is a useful information source for farmers, consumers, agricultural producers and food processing institutions as it provides information harvest of paddy, vegetables and other field crops.

It would provide a better understanding of the paddy crop in each district. By providing an early warning system for vegetable growers, it would encourage the farmer community to mitigate wastage and price fluctuations due to glut and thereby to produce for the requirement of the country. In terms of the information provided in the website, there would be a glut in pumpkin production during the period from January to March 2019 and it is anticipated that there would be a price drop in comparison with the price of later period of December 2018. The 2018/19 Maha Paddy crop is expected to be massive. This information could be accessed through www. and use “public” as the Username and Password.
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