Jun 03, 2020 (LBO) - National average for the month of May 2020 totalled Rs. 697.57, the highest ever recorded for a calendar month surpassing the previous best of Rs. 689.18 recorded in April 2020, a new report says.
In comparison to May 2019 average of Rs. 539.55, shows a significant increase of Rs. 158.02 YOY, Forbes and Walker Tea Brokers said in their monthly report.
When analysing the respective elevational averages for the month of May 2020 - High Growns totalling Rs. 645.41 for April 2020 have recorded an increase of Rs. 06.46 month on month vis-à-vis Rs. 638.95 of April 2020. When compared to May 2019 average of Rs. 504.75, a significant increase of Rs. 140.66 is recorded YOY. Mediums averaging Rs. 599.60 for May 2020 have recorded a decrease of Rs. 13.12 vis-à-vis Rs. 612.72 of April 2020. When compared to May 2019 average of Rs. 473.13, shows a significant increase of Rs. 126.47. Highest ever Low Grown average for a month totalling Rs. 744.52 was recorded in May 2020 surpassing the previous best of Rs. 739.82 recorded in April 2020. It also shows a significant increase of Rs. 174.82 YOY when compared to Rs. 569.70 of May 2019.
When analysing the January-May 2020 cumulative average of Rs. 632.39, an increase of Rs. 57.49 is recorded vis-à-vis Rs. 574.90 of January-May 2019.
High Growns for the period January-May 2020 of Rs. 589.59 have shown an increase of Rs. 37.08 vis-à-vis Rs. 552.51 of January-May 2019. Mediums averaging Rs. 556.61 have shown an increase of Rs. 53.53 vis-à-vis Rs. 503.08 of January-May 2019. Meanwhile, Low Growns totalling Rs. 669.87 for January-May 2020 have shown the highest increase of Rs. 68.67 vis-à-vis Rs. 601.20 of January-May 2019.
As detailed on Page No. 8, both month and cumulative averages show an increase when analysed in USD terms too.