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National Chamber of Exporters welcomes new Govt.


Aug 10, 2020 (LBO) - The National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka (NCE) congratulated the newly concluded election and the great victory achieved, in the formation of a new Government. 

In a statement, NCE President Ramya Weerakoon said that the Chamber welcomes the new Government led by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa with a strong decree in developing and promoting exports of the country. 

“This election demonstrates the confidence of Sri Lankan citizens. It is praiseworthy to mention the measures taken by the Government during COVID-19 pandemic and how the country’s situation has been handled by navigating sturdily throughout, to ensure health and safety of the general public.

“The new mandate will reinforce the newly elected leaders to introduce necessary changes to develop the export sector of the country to increase export revenue. The sector is currently facing a vulnerable situation due to the pandemic,” the NCE statement said. 

“We as exporters sincerely hope that the new government will be able to fast-track and achieve a sustainable economic development through exports, as supported by the mandate.” 

Weerakoon also stated that NCE will extend its fullest cooperation towards the new administration in achieving its objectives.

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