MV X-Press Pearl: Port City Colombo donates Rs. 2 mn worth PPE to support cleanup

Port City Colombo donated over Rs. 2 million worth Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) yesterday (28) to support its ongoing efforts to clean up the debris and chemical waste collected on the coastline resulting from the MV X-PRESS PEARL ship fire.

The MEPA, together with the tri-forces, undertook the cleanup of the 30 km coastal stretch from Uswetakeiyawa to Negombo but was challenged with ensuring safety for its workers due to the lack of protective gear. Port City Colombo promptly responded to their urgent request by donating PPE that included 1,000 heavy use gloves, 1,000 safety goggles, 950 gum boots, 1,000 face masks, and 204 shovels.

On behalf of the CHEC Port City Colombo, Environment Consultant W.

A.D.D Wijesooriya, Head of Public Relations Kassapa Senarath and Environment Officer of China Harbour Engineering Company Mangala Jayaneththi, handed over the donation to A.
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J.M. Gunasekara, Deputy General Manager and D.

R.C. Jayawardana the Accountant of the Marine Environment Protection Authority at the Port City Colombo premises.

MEPA Deputy General Manager Gunasekara appreciated the timely donation made by Port City Colombo and commended the active engagement Port City Colombo had with MEPA in supporting the continuous efforts to keep the Sri Lankan coastlines and marine environment safe.

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