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United Nation’s experts say under-age girls in tsunami affected communities in Sri Lanka, are being forced into marriages.

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United Nation’s experts say under-age girls in tsunami affected communities in Sri Lanka, are being forced into marriages. “The phenomenon of so-called "tsunami marriages" among under-age girls is common in some areas, especially in southern India and Sri Lanka,” said a statement by two UN experts Miloon Kothari, special rapporteur on housing and Walter Kälin, Secretary General’s representative on Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons.

The tsunami marriages, say the UN experts, are taking place because rehabilitation work is both slow and biased, that exposes women, children and other vulnerable groups, to new dangers.

“It is essential that relief and rehabilitation efforts are carried out in a gender-sensitive manner and take into account the special needs and concerns of women,” said the statement.

Nearly 800,000 people were made homeless by the tsunami in Sri Lanka and 88,544 houses were destroyed according to TAFREN, the central tsunami rehabilitation coordinating unit of th

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