In the year ended March 2006, the firm earned revenues of 76.8 million rupees and profits of 38.7 million by producing 12.5 GWh of electricity.
The company has a 15-year power purchase agreement with the CEB.
From January 2006, CEB raised mini-hydro tariffs by 19 percent or 1.12 rupees to 6.94 rupees per kiloWatthour (kWh) during the wet season, when most of the power is generated.
The dry season tariff, (February, March and April) was raised by 91 cents or 13.5 percent to 7.64 rupees a unit.
Hydro firms are also due to get a much higher rate under a new three tiered structure, to be unveiled later this year.
Hydro-operators could get more than 8.50 rupees per unit (kilo Watt