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Modi wins second term


May 24, 2019 (LBO) - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi won a landslide victory with his party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) securing a larger number of seats than the 2014 election.

With final results yet to be declared BJP has secured 302 out of 543 elected lower house seats so far.

This would push the BJP over the 272 seats needed for a majority.

The BJP’s main rivals Congress were on just 49 seats, with Rahul Gandhi -- the great-grandson, grandson and son of three premiers in danger of a humiliating loss.

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The preliminary count predicts a commanding majority in the lower house for the BJP and its allies, who are on course for almost 50 additional seats.

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They will still lack a majority in the upper house, however, putting a brake on Modi’s legislative agenda.

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“Today’s mandate... shows that people of India have entirely uprooted casteism, nepotism and appeasement to choose nationalism and development,” tweeted BJP president Amit Shah.

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