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Modi says Indian cooperation must happen as per Sri Lankan aspirations

July 28, 2016 (LBO) – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that India’s development cooperation with Sri Lanka must happen as per aspirations of Sri Lanka.
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He said India’s development cooperation with Sri Lanka enjoys a wide spread of projects through out Sri Lanka in different areas of economic activities. “But it must happen as per your aspirations,” Modi said.
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“It is for this reason that our cooperative projects rely on the choices and priorities set by the people, the leadership and the government of Sri Lanka.” In a televised speech screened at the inaugural ceremony of launching the emergency response ambulance service, Indian Prime Minister reiterated that India stands for a united and stable Sri Lanka. “That is also our goal of our partnership and the emergency ambulance service is a unique example of this friendship,” he said.
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“The project showcases successful public private partnership between the government of Sri Lanka and its nominated implementing partner.” “The partnership between India’s capacities and your needs is not only touching the lives of our people it also shows our constructive regional cooperation." Newly launched emergency response ambulance service will reach out to over 8 million residents of southern and western Sri Lanka. The Health Ministry with the participation of GVK EMRI institute in India proposed to establish this pre- hospital care ambulance service in Sri Lanka.
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The cabinet recently approved a proposal to set up an emergency response centre with 1990 toll free number for this service.
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This ambulance service established with a 7.
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6 million dollar grant from the Indian Government. ambulance-lanka
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