Mercy Call

July 9, 2007 (LBO) – The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is calling on Muslim scholars to appeal a death sentence facing an under-aged Sri Lankan girl who is accused of killing a child in Saudi Arabia. AHRC says the girl, Rizana Naffeek, is facing death for a mistake made while feeding a four month old baby which resulted in the death of the child, which has been misunderstood as a crime.

AHRC says time is running out and an appeal has to be filed before July 16, 2007.

The father of Rizana Naffeek has appealed to the father of the deceased baby seeking for a pardon which is online at

The Asian Human Rights Commission is asking for similar letters to be written through the Sri Lankan embassy in Saudi Arabia (a sample letter is attached at the end of the appeal) and is asking it to be copied to the Commission so that they can also deliver the letter in case there is a communication failure.

"After careful consideration of all facts we are of the view that what has happened is an enormous tragedy but it can lead to, if not prevented soon, a further tragedy of an innocent inexperienced teenager being executed," AHRC said.

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