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"Nobody had followed this through to a successful business model. This has enabled us to reduce the environmental impact of the chemical usage while providing increased profits to both parties which seemed impossible under a traditional model of thinking," Nadeera Wijesinghe, Assistant Manager for Sustainability at MAS Active Linea Intimo, said.
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Linea Intimo will compensate Watercare for each cubic meter of waste water treated and the system will be monitored by the NCPC. After trials which began in December 2014, Linea Intimo noted 20-30% overall chemical savings. A hazardous chemical used in the process was also reduced by more than 50%, according to the company.
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MAS Active Linea Intimo was in compliance with national requirements for discharge of chemicals, and "their decision to test the new model is going beyond compliance and is also leading by example," the Director General of the Central Environmental Authority, K.
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H. Muthukudaarachchi, said Chemical leasing is intended to shift the focus from increasing sales volume of chemicals towards a value added approach that promotes efficient use of chemicals and environmental sustainability.