Legal Meet

Jan 23, 2009 (LBO) – Sri Lanka's lawyers are hosting an ICT law conference in Colombo next week, to debate emerging legal issues with the heavy use of information technology (ICT), its organizers said. Intellectual Property and Information Technology (IT), Legal issues arising out of outsourcing software development contracts, Telecommunication and legal implication on Mobile Commerce, Internet Banking, Piracy of Software, Law of Evidence and the Internet, would be among the areas covered in the conference.

The Conference will also cover impact of IT on the capital markets, Telecom in the information age, Security & control of information in the IT age and E Governance.

The BASL is maintaining conference website at

"Information and technology has captured almost every aspect of human life and that it is unfortunate to note that the law has not kept abreast of the latest developments and trends that have hit mankind as a result of ICT," S Thurairaja, chairman of the ICT committee of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka said.

"While ICT has been extremely bene

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