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Kumara Welgama strikes a democratic tone in Sri Lanka’s constitutional crisis

November 8, 2018 (LBO) - UPFA heavyweight Kumara Welgama's patriotic statements reported by AFP have come as breath of fresh air in an environment where antidemocratic rhetoric has seemed to spin out of control in Sri Lanka's constitutional crisis. In an AFP report Kumara Welgama has been quoted as saying: "Our country is going down the precipice. No one is working in government offices," "Public servants want to know who the real PM is. People are confused." "Today, every country is laughing at us. One Prime Minister is at Temple Trees and the other is in the PM's office," "We need to settle this issue through parliament." Kumara Welgama's statements indicate that his interest is the betterment of the nation as opposed to who governs it. The 68 year old has been floated as a strong Presidential contender in a head to head race with the UNP's expected candidate Ranil Wickremesinghe.
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