Johann Peries successfully summits Mount Everest


May 22, 2018 (LBO) – Johann Peries has summited Mount Everest today becoming the second Sri Lankan to summit Everest after Jayanthi Kuru Utumpala in 2016. PR & Media Consultant Kumar de Silva said in a Twitter post that after having summitted Mount Everest at 5.55 AM Nepal time today, Johann Peries has now begun his descent. The descent is far more treacherous than the ascent and will take him two days to reach base camp when he will be in communication with his local team in Colombo. Johann Peries left camp 4 yesterday evening on his way to the final summit of Mount Everest. This was his second attempt. Johann Peries and Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala were the first Sri Lankans to attempt to summit the peak of 8,848m above sea level in April 2016. However, Johann managed to reach a height of 8,400m, a mere 448m short of reaching the summit, before technical difficulties forced him to descend.
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