JICA, Women & Child Affairs Ministry launched training programme for Frontline Officers


Ministry of Women & Child Affairs and Dry Zone Development (MOWCADZD) has launched the capacity building training programme for Frontline Officers (FLOs) under technical cooperation by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Inauguration and launching of this in-country training programme has conducted on August 19th, 2019 in Palgahathanna Management Development Training Centre in Uva Province with the participation of Mrs. Darshana Senanayake, Secretary to the MOWCADZD, senior officials from Women’s Bureau and JICA Sri Lanka Office.

This programme is collaborative effort of JICA and MOWCADZD to improve the service delivery of FLOs who work for the women community in Sri Lanka. At the same time, JICA considers this initiative as one of JICA’s gender mainstreaming efforts to achieve gender equity and women empowerment in the country especially focusing on emerging regions where poverty and marginalization still exist. JICA expects this initiative will contribute for the significant socio-economic development as well as starting point for the future cooperation’s between two countries on this area.

Mrs. Senanayake highlighted that “training is essential part of capacity building process, and it is necessary to have continuous capacity building such as this training programme for FLOs”. In addition, MOWCADZD considers utilizing this training programme as one of its monitoring tool to evaluate FLOs’ performance in the field after receiving this training programme, and those who perform well in the future would be rewarded by providing further education or training opportunities particularly in international arena.

This training programme will primarily cover around 300 officers working under MOWCADZD in Northern, North Central, Eastern and Uva Provinces. Other 7 programmes in Monalagala, Jaffna, Vavuniya, Polonnaruwa, Anuradhapura, Batticaloa and Ampara will be conducted in rotation until October.

(Media Release)

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