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JICA and BASL collaborate in drive against bribery and corruption in Sri Lanka

As a key step of JICA’s initiative in supporting the Sri Lankan authorities to combat bribery and corruption, a series of introductory workshops were conducted between the 19th and 28th February, for the officers of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC) as well as other key actors of the justice system.

The Workshops introduced the topics of Whistleblower Protection, Deferred Prosecution Agreements and Anti Money Laundering measures which come under the purview of the CIABOC through the new Anti Corruption Act, No. 9 of 2023, which came into operation in September 2023.

The Act significantly widens the scope, authority and responsibility of CIABOC, and provides it with instruments some of which no other law enforcement agency possesses. The Workshops were intended to support CIABOC and other stakeholders in effective use and implementation of these provisions.

The Workshops were organized by JICA in collaboration with the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL). The Workshops brought together eminent Sri Lankan legal experts who were joined by international experts from Japan, United Stated Department of Justice, United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Crime Agency of the United Kingdom and the Asia Pacific Group for Anti Money Laundering, enabling the participants to gain from a wide array of insight and experience.

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