Japan boosts Sri Lanka public sector capacity

June 03, 2014 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's public sector officials had been given a grant of 215 million yen (245 million rupees) in scholarships to follow Masters' programs in Japan, the finance ministry said.
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The Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resources Development Scholarship Programme (JDS) was started in 2010 is aimed at building capacity in executive level public officials.

Under the first phase in 2010-2013, 60 officials have followed Master's program in three Japanese universities in Policy and Public Finance, Public Administration, Regional Development, and Macro and Development Economics.

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About 30 had already returned.

The new 210 million yen funding will cover a second program from 2014 to 2017.

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Japanese Ambassador Nobuhito Hobo, Japan International Co-operation Agency Senior Pepresentative Hiroyuki Abe and Sri Lanka's Treasury secretary P B Jayasundera had signed the grant documents.
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