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Indian govt to develop KKS harbour at a cost of USD 45Mn

Jan 16, 2018 (LBO) - The Government of India will rehabilitate and upgrade the Kankesanthurai (KKS) Harbour as a commercial port at a cost of US 45.27 million dollars, the Finance Ministry said in a statement. The project will be financed through a line of credit from the Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank). Preliminary Hydrographic survey geo-technical investigation, preparation of detail project report and wreck removal and disposal dredging work have already been completed under a previous grant assistance from the Government of India. The new funds would be used for the remaining two phases involving works relating to the rehabilitation of the breakwater and existing pier. Construction of a new pier for commercial cargo handling, installation of port infrastructure facilities will also be undertaken under this credit line facility from India. The Sri Lanka Ports Authority under the supervision of the Ministry of Ports and Shipping will implement this project. The Indian government is already involved in development assistance and their main focus has been in the improvement of economic infrastructural facilities, livelihood development, education, healthcare, capacity building and economic renewal of Sri Lanka.    
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