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IMF Engages with Ceylon Chamber of Commerce to Discuss Sri Lanka’s Economic Development

At the invitation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce recently briefed key representatives of the IMF on recent economic developments in Sri Lanka, and their impact on the country’s economic trajectory.

The meeting comprised high-level representatives of the IMF Kenji Okamura, Deputy Managing Director – IMF, and Anne-Marie Gulde-Wolf – Deputy Director – Asia and Pacific Department, Chad Steinberg – Advisor, Office of the Managing Director and Dr. Sarwat Jahan – IMF Resident Representative for Sri Lanka , while the Ceylon Chamber was represented by Duminda Hulangamuwa, Vice-Chairman, Krishan Balendra – Deputy Vice-Chairman, Bingumal Thewarathanthri – Board Member, and Buwanekabahu Perera – Secretary-General/CEO, with Sharad Amalean, Chairman – Joint Apparel Association Forum, representing the business community. 

The discussions centered around critical topics such as interest rates, exchange rates, foreign trade, and the general political climate. The meeting also provided an opportunity for the IMF to gain insights into the perspectives of the business community regarding recent economic developments in Sri Lanka. 

Duminda Hulangamuwa expressed the Ceylon Chamber’s appreciation for the IMF’s initiative in organising the meeting, and the opportunity to share the business community’s perspectives towards shaping effective policies for Sri Lanka's economic progress.

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