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House Hunt

Nivasie Developers on Wednesday released plans to build 95 upper end homes in its Ja Ela site under phase two of its Nivasiepura housing project.
Following the trends in the industry, Marketing Manager Panduka Weerasingha says the concept at the Nest is designed to offer a planed and private neighborhood.
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rnSetting it apart however, Weerasingha says 52 per cent of the land area has been marked out as open space, including the walks, pool and play area. rn

rnThe vicinity of the site will also be home to 1200 other middle income housing units under the first and second phase of the project.rn

rnHowever, the second phase of the project will retain its privacy with separate amnesties and controlled entrance.rn

rnWeerasingha says 25 per cent of phase one were 660 houses are planned have been already sold. rn

rnAdding incentive, the firm is offering special tailor-made loans for which re-paying starts with a small amount initially, with the installment increasing in line with the buyers income

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