HC Moragoda meets IndiGo co-founder Bhatia to discuss enhancing air connectivity between SL and India


Continuing his discussions with large-scale Indian investors and corporate leaders, Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to India Milinda Moragoda met with IndiGo airline’s co-founder and Managing Director Rahul Bhatia on 26 April in New Delhi. This was a follow-up to the meeting that they had in December last year.

The discussion between High Commissioner Moragoda and Bhatia was centred around the critical importance of enhancing air connectivity as an essential means of increasing tourism inflows to Sri Lanka.They agreed that tourism, particularly tourism inflows from India, is a key pillar in the economic recovery of Sri Lanka, and discussed ways and means to harness the potential of increased connectivity to enhance tourism.

High Commissioner Moragoda also presented a copy of the publication “Geoffrey Bawa; Drawing from the Archives”, which contains the drawings of Sri Lanka’s iconic architect the late Geoffrey Bawa, to Mr. Bhatia.

Founded in 2006 by Rahul Bhatia and Rakesh Gangwal, IndiGo is the largest airline in India by passengers carried and fleet size, with a 54.6% domestic market share as of February 2023. It is also the largest individual Asian low-cost carrier in terms of jet fleet size and passengers carried, and the fourth largest carrier in Asia. The airline has carried over 300 million passengers last year. The airline operates about 1,600 daily flights to more than 100 destinations both domestic and international.

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