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49 billion rupees in 1Q18 while operating profits improved to 99.4 million rupees on the back of stronger tea prices at the Colombo Tea Auction during the period under review. Notably, following the completion of one of Sri Lanka’s largest solar power plants in Welikande, the group’s power and energy sector also recorded notable improvements in top and bottom line performance, generating 404.9 million rupees in revenue, while operating profits within the segment rose to 229.5 million rupees. Adverse weather conditions negatively impacted the performance of the group’s agriculture segment, which recorded a contraction in revenue of 2.54 billion rupees in 1Q18. This notable drop in production resulted in operating profits dropping to 83.3 million rupees. The group’s Hand Protection and Purification sectors’ profitability were affected by a steep increase in raw material prices as operating profits declined to 38.
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9 million rupees and 160.9 million rupees respectively. The group’s leisure sector was able to maintain relatively stable revenues to close the quarter at 1.1 billion rupees. However, the sector’s ability to generate profits was hampered due to the substantial refurbishments being carried out at Kudarah Island Resort in the Maldives. The segment completed the quarter with an operating loss of 106.
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9 million rupees. "However, with refurbishments having since been completed just prior to the end of 1Q18, the group anticipates significant improvements in profitability moving forward."