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Govt expects investment to flow but country risk remain unresolved: Eran

We are talking on two Regulations under the Port City Really to get this country out of the current economic mess we know we have a debt crisis and looking for more debt but not forthcoming due to the fault of governance without implementing rule of law said Eran Wickramaratne speaking in the parliamentary debate on Colombo Port City Wednesday.

But ultimately we have to get investment coming in . Even for the Port City we need to get investment comes in. There is a factor that is very publicly recognized . The factor on investment that needs to be recognized is called country risk, Its not about the Law or Regulations, Its about having confidence in the country actually about the law has been working.

How do we attract investment. We should manage country risk which is about political stability, rule of law and a stable financial environment . Now big conversation going on among the business communities in the chambers. Death of Dinesh Shafter who comes from a very reputed
business family in this country.

I saw the President of the country attending the funeral. President personally knows this family. They are not politicians so they want come and deliver public talks.

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But if you create uncertainty among them, who is actually safe in this country now is the question. We need to really look at this . The JMO gives a first report – which says it looks like he has been strangled, the same JMO gives another report later contradicting his early report that
he may have committed suicide. This is absolutely ridiculous. This murder inquiry must be conducted in a fairway.

I am glad to say I saw in the media the other day the Magistrate said I am appointing five JMOs to actually look into this matter. If we don’t get this right I can tell you what rules we bring in.

Sri Lankan investors talk to their international counterpart. Investors from abroad do not come by talking to politicians like us. They talk to their counterparts here before arriving at a decision to come to Sri Lanka. The local businessmen need the confidence to tell their friends abroad yes
come and invest and start your businesses here as the situation is conducive for it .

Therefore, Wickramaratne urged that the Government has to take cognizance of this fact, if the country is to be taken out of the man made mess.

When the MP was interrupted by a government MP on the basis of a Point of Order Wickramaratne retorted back saying that Justice must prevail in this country. We are losing the young people of this country. Because the rule of law is not working in this country.

SLMC Ethics Committee on Decisions of professional conduct committee inquired in to the conduct of Dr. M.A. Rahul Haq, Reg No 15168, the JMO who gave that report.

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the SLMC Ethic committee decided that Dr. Rahul Haq be imposed a suspension for a period of eight months from exercising his rights on 20 th December 2022. This person suspended by the SLMC has given the 2nd report on the death of Dinesh Shafter.

How can a JMO who is under interdiction give a second report contradicting his first report on the death of businessmen Dinesh Shafter needs answers from relevant authorities if the country is to be seen and known as a country which respect the rule of law.

This has happened under the watch of the new President Ranil Wickremesinghe who well knows this family personally and I am appealing to him to restore confidence among the business community, please make sure the law is implemented and how can a JMO suspended by the
SLMC gives a second report contradicting his first report.

Sometime back a similar situation arose even in the death of national rugby player Wassim Thajudeen. Contradictions arisen also based on the JMO report at that time. Politicians of both the sides are accused of corrupt practices and stealing public resources by the people.

People have been convinced that all sorts of problems in the country are due to politicians.

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But it is not the case. Most of the problems in the country are due to the conduct of professionals. The Medical practitioners and the lawyers should take their stance firmly.

AG’s Department should properly conduct itself. If these professionals and officials do not conduct themselves properly a country cannot be developed and see a progress. If the country is to be taken forward country
needs at least four billion dollar investment annually. The maximum investment we have had once was two billion dollars.

The country should be seen as a destination for investment with political and financial stability and the implementation of rule of law without anyone being offered the status of rule of impunity

Eran Wickramaratne emphasized that Sri Lanka is looking for investors to bring in dollars and that is possible only if the government could create a confidence about the country. For that we need the political stability and implementation of rule of law and just making laws and regulations would not create confidence among the investors.

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