"There is more potential in the growth in the consumer behaviour in rural areas.
There is a far quicker upturn," says Nasser Majeed, marketing director of Singer.
Singer Sri Lanka which was marketing its household furniture under a range of outlets called 'Modern Homes' will now rebrand the five year old channel as 'Singer Homes'. The firm sells products ranging from bedroom suites to television stands.
With the new branding Singer is moving its products to sales outlets in rural areas where it has a strong franchise as a top retailer of sewing machines and electronic consumer durables.
The firm says it has a network of 300 outlets around the country and larger 'Singer Mega' and 'Singer Plus' outlets.
"Customers can buy their Singer products from the Singer Mega and Singer Plus that are even situated in rural towns like Dehiatthakandiya and Mahiyanganaya that you have never heard before", says Singer Sri Lanka chairman Hemaka Amarasuriya.
Singer homes will offer easy payme