Foot Wear

Oct 12, 2013 (LBO) - British shoemaker Clarks is expanding in Sri Lanka, and has seen unexpected success in women's shoes, an official said.

"We thought it will be dominated by men since the women shoes are little bit expensive," he said.
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"But the response shows that we were wrong. Because women look differentiate in products that have style but still comfort."

He says Clarks also see opportunities in the children's segment in Sri Lanka, where the firm had just introduced a kid's shoes range.

"I think, within the next three to four months we will have much more wider presence in Colombo," S Ramprasad, chief executive, Clarks India said after opening their latest store in Colombo.

"We want to look at some more opportunities in Colombo and then we will look outside Colombo.


Clarks runs two stores in Colombo with an investment 6 to 8 million Indian rupees per store, he said.

"We do not look at Sri Lanka overall as a market but we look at Colombo as a city where we can have a significant presence, Ramprasad said.

"If you compare we have presence in lot of cities in India as well, Colombo is within the top

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