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FM to meet IMF Managing Director in Washington on IMF Fund Facility

Jan 09, 2019 (LBO) – Minister Mangala Samaraweera will leave for Washington on Friday, to get the IMF External Fund Facility (EFF) back on track, the Finance Ministry said. The ministry said in a statement that the minister will be meeting Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, Mitsuhiro Furusawa, Deputy Managing Director, Chanyong Rhee, Director, Asia Pacific Department, Manuel Goretti, Team Leader and other members of the IMF Sri Lanka Team. Minister Samaraweera is expected to signal the Government's intention to continue with IMF reform program. A key objective will be to negotiate the trajectory of continued fiscal consolidation while accommodating policies to support growth and strengthen the social safety net. The Finance Minister's delegation to IMF will include the Governor of the Central Bank, Secretary to the Treasury and other key officials of the Central Bank and the Treasury.
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