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Five headless bodies found in Sri Lanka

Apr. 27 (AFP) - Five headless corpses were found in central Sri Lanka but police said Thursday the incident was not linked to the island's conflict with Tamil Tiger rebels.
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The bodies were found in two places about 80 kilometres (50 miles) east of the capital, police said.

"We suspect they may have been killed due to a private dispute," a police official said.

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"We are checking on a few clues, but they are unrelated to the conflict in the northeast."

An investigation was underway to identify the victims.

Sri Lanka has a high crime rate.

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Five or six people are murdered daily over private disputes in the country as court cases can drag on for years.
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Violence has also been on the rise as government forces and Tamil rebels edge closer to a full-scale civil war after four years of a fragile ceasefire after 18 people were killed in government airstrikes.

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