Fitch rates Commercial Bank’s subordinated debentures AA-


Jan 13, 2016 (LBO) – Fitch Ratings Lanka has assigned Commercial Bank's proposed Basel II-compliant subordinated debentures of up to 7 billion rupees a final National Long-Term Rating of 'AA-(lka)'.

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The final rating is the same as the expected rating assigned on 22 December 2015, and follows the receipt of documents conforming to information already received, Fitch Ratings said.
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The proposed issuance, which will have tenors of five and 10 years and carry fixed coupons, will be listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange.
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CB expects to use the proceeds to strengthen its Tier 2 capital base and reduce asset-and-liability maturity mismatches.
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KEY RATING DRIVERS The issue is rated one notch below CB's National Long-Term Rating, to reflect the subordination to senior unsecured creditors. CB's rating is driven by its measured risk appetite, solid franchise, sound track record, and strong funding profile.

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RATING SENSITIVITIES The rating on the proposed debentures will move in tandem with CB's National Long-Term Rating. CB's rating is primarily sensitive to its ability to withstand cyclical asset quality deterioration.

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A full list of CB's ratings follows: National Long-Term Rating: 'AA(lka)'; Stable Outlook Outstanding Basel II-compliant Sri Lanka rupee-denominated subordinated debentures: 'AA-(lka)' Proposed Basel II-compliant Sri Lanka rupee-denominated subordinated debentures: 'AA-(lka)'
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