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Fitch places Sri Lanka Telecom’s ‘A(lka)’ Rating on Watch Positive following proposed disposal

Fitch Ratings has placed Sri Lanka Telecom PLC's (SLT) National Long-Term Rating of 'A(lka)' on Rating Watch Positive (RWP) reflecting the potential rating upside due to weakening linkages with SLT's parent, the government of Sri Lanka (Long-Term Local-Currency Issuer Default Rating: CC), due to the government's plan to sell its 49.5% stake in the company.

Fitch said it will resolve the RWP when the proposed disposal becomes practically unconditional, which may take more than six months.

SLT's ratings are currently constrained by its parent's weak credit profile under Fitch's Parent and Subsidiary Linkage (PSL) Rating Criteria.

SLT's Standalone Credit Profile (SCP) is stronger than that of the state, reflecting the company's market leadership in fixed-line services, second-largest share in mobile, ownership of an extensive optical fibre network and a strong financial profile.

The extent of SLT's rating upside, following the proposed disposal, will depend on the credit profile of its new parent, the linkage strength with SLT according to PSL criteria, and the proposed funding structure.

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