First Steps

Keith D. Bernard, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority

The first steps in a million dollar deal to link small and medium entrepreneurs with European markets got off the ground late Wednesday.
Initiated by European Industrial Services, the promoters hope to channel in around US$ 50 mn worth of investments through joint ventures or wholly owned subsidiaries.
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rnEuropean Industrial Services (EIS) has tied up with the Board of Investments Wayamba arm to develop the project over the next five-years.rn

rnldblquote Its a unique project, purely for SMEs, which gives them access to European partners, dblquote says Ruvan de Alwis, President of EIS.rn

rnA few potential sites have been picked to start an industrial zone purely for this purpose. EIS steps in to give local knowledge (for Sri Lankan and European businesses) and to manage the projects from its conceptual stage onwards.

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rnldblquote The European partners will also give technical and marketing expertise, dblquote says de Alwis.rn

rnEIS is linked to a French chamber of commerce, which has a SME

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