Faizal Salieh appointed as new SEC Chairman

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) today announced that Faizal Salieh assumed duties as the Chairman of the SEC on 20th February 2023.

He is currently the Chairman of the Sri Lanka Institute of Directors, which is committed to empowering Directors from both the private and public sectors with insights and skills to assume their roles and to groom a new generation of Boardroom Leaders.

Salieh brings a wealth of experience to his job, having over 40 years of extensive experience in commercial and development banking both in Sri Lanka and overseas. He was Chief of Corporate & Merchant Banking at ANZGrindlays Bank; COO of NDB; Executive Director/CEO of NDB Housing Bank; founder MD/CEO of Amana Bank; and Senior Independent Director of Cargills Bank and HNB General Insurance.

He played an outstanding strategic and operational leadership role in establishing Amana Bank as the first interest-free licensed commercial bank operating on the profit and loss sharing model in Sri Lanka.

He has held Board positions in several companies in the business of Banking, Finance, Insurance, Fund Management, Stockbroking, Manufacturing, Trading and Education; he has served on State University Boards, Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and several Government and Non-Governmental Committees in the fields of Finance, Economic Affairs, Housing, Construction and Tertiary Education.

Faizal Salieh holds a First Class Honours Degree in Economics with specialization in Banking & Finance, MBA and FCPM.

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