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Facebook officials to arrive Sri Lanka tomorrow

Mar 14, 2018 (LBO) – Officials from the American online social media and social networking service, Facebook to arrive Sri Lanka tomorrow for discussions, PM Ranil Wickremesinghe said. Prime Minister said on Wednesday that Facebook officials will have discussions on the recent restriction imposed on Facebook and the future direction on social media. “No one wants to ban Facebook but we want new laws to be passed on social media in the coming weeks,” Wickremesinghe said. “Government will have a legal authority once these new laws get passed. We expect to hold discussions with Facebook officials about these issues.” President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday said daily income of state-owned telcos have jumped significantly after restricting access to several social media sites. He added that officials from big foreign companies are now coming to Sri Lanka saying that the restriction is a huge loss to their companies.
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Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure Minister Harin Fernando, however, said that Facebook would be accessible by Friday. Government has already lifted the restriction imposed on Viber from yesterday midnight, taking into consideration the difficulties faced by people.
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