Export Development Board Supports Farmers & Processors to obtain SL Organic Certification

The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) is implementing an assistance scheme to enable farmers and processors in Sri Lanka to obtain organic certification as per the Sri Lanka Organic Standard - SLS 1324:2018. The certificates will be issued by the certification institutes accredited for SLS 1324:2018 by the Sri Lanka Accreditation Board (SLAB).

This assistance initiative intends to promote the National Organic Standard (SLS 1324:2018) among small farmers; streamline production, handling, processing, and labelling of organically grown agriculture products to meet a consistent standard; encourage conventional farmers to transform into organic cultivation and increase the production volumes and income; establish transparency throughout the supply /value chains from farm to market and upgrade farmers to obtain international certification in the future to meet the export demand.

The farmers and processors willing to follow organic agriculture and processing practices in rice, fruits, vegetables, cashew, herbs, fertilizer, pulses, spices, coconut kernel-based products, and green leaves are eligible to apply for assistance. The selected applicants will be assisted by the EDB to cover the initial cost of certification including field inspection and lab testing of samples.

Applications of the assistance programme can be obtained from the EDB website www.
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srilankabusiness.com under "Announcements". The duly filled application with all the relevant documents as stipulated in the scheme needs to be sent by registered post to reach Additional Director General-Development, Sri Lanka Export Development Board, No.42, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02 on or before 04th June 2021. Further details can be obtained from the National Organic Control Unit, EDB, Assistant Director - S.M.D. Madhumali on 2300705-11(Ext: 235), Fax: 0112304879, and E-mail: madhumali@edb.gov.lk.

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