Export Advisory Committees appointed covering 24 sectors for 5 years

Export Advisory Committees have been appointed by the trade minister covering 24 sectors for a period of 5 years (from 2021 to 2026).

In terms of Section 10 of the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) Act No 40 of 1979, the minister in charge of the EDB, on the advice of the Board, is empowered to establish advisory committees that are oriented towards the development and promotion of specific products, product groups, commodities, as well as the functional aspects of the export trade.

These Advisory Committees are expected to identify key market challenges and opportunities facing the industry, set goals to strengthen sector competitiveness, identify market requirements, as well as propose key policy changes that need to be initiated to develop the export sector while playing a significant role in reviewing the export sector which is currently facing numerous challenges due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.

These committees are led by private sector industry representatives with the participation of industry sector leaders and relevant public sector officers representing Government line agencies.

The multi-stakeholder representation provides appropriate scrutiny of policy frameworks to catalyze export growth. They also succeed in providing coordination to optimize institutional support and quality of service in the export process.

The sectors covered are Apparel, Ayurveda & Herbal Products and Cosmetics, Boat and Ship Building, Coconut & Coconut-based products, Construction Services, Education Services, Electrical & Electronic components, Export Processing Villages, Gems, Diamonds & Jewellery, ICT/BPM, Light Engineering, Logistics, Marine & Offshore Engineering, Mineral-based products, National Quality Infrastructure, Organic Products, Ornamental Fish, Pharmaceuticals, Processed Food & Beverages, Regional Development, Rubber & Rubber-based products and Plastics, Seafood & Aquaculture Sector, Spices & Concentrates, and Trade Promotion & Trade Information.

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