Equal Chances

Dec 15, 2006 (LBO) – The Employers Federation of Sri Lanka are calling on more firms to employ disabled people, not just for equal opportunity, but because it also makes business sense.

The Employers Federation of Ceylon (EFC) together with the Motivation Charitable Trust of UK run an annual job fair for disabled people and have found that it has grown increasingly popular over the three years it has been held.

The fairs have provided 100 disabled people with jobs over the past three years, with 85 hopefuls at this year™s event.

We started coming here about three years ago. In our first year we took two people. Dinush was born with polio and has a prosthetic leg and previously we took Rajeewa who is deaf and he is now working in our product development centre, Maas Savanghan, HR Executive, Training and Development at MAS Holdings said at the fair.

Savanghan says Dinush was new to the human resources field but has been appointed to the position of an HR assistant now, while Rajeewa works as an executive in product development.

Both of them have made huge advances in their career. Last year, MAS Holdings hired a disabled employee for the finan

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