Emirates flys in UN refugee relief to Sri Lanka

April 29, 2009 (LBO) - Emirates SkyCargo said it had begun transporting United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) relief supplies for refugees in the North East.

Emirates said a Boeing 747-400 freighter had landed in at Colombo's Monday April 27, with a cargo of 119 tonnes of tents for refugees who escape Tiger guerilla controlled areas.
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A second Emirates freighter, a Boeing 777 carrying another 100 tonnes of relief goods, mostly tents, arrived on Tuesday, April 28. It was the first Boeing 777F ever to operate to Sri Lanka.

Chandana de Silva, Emirates area manager Sri Lanka and Maldives said the airline was able to divert two dedicated freighters within 24 hours for the UN.

He said more Emirates SkyCargo freighters carrying relief supplies are expected to arrive in the future.

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