Emergency Merit

The Power Ministry is calling upon the Sri Lankan public to collect merit for their after-life by saving power, while industrialists with generators will also get cash into the bargain, if they use their own power.
The Ceylon Electricity Board, Sri Lankas power utility which runs into power shortages every few years, is now trying to implement a voluntary demand management program in a last ditch attempt to avoid power cuts.
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rnldblquote We need to request the public to use power to the minimum so that we could help or assist people who really need electricity like hospitals and other places where it is very important that they should have uninterrupted power supply, dblquote Energy Ministry Secretary Viji Jegarasasingham told a media conference at the Ministry auditorium, which had its large picture windows covered with thick opaque curtains to keep out the sunlight, while 20 ceiling lights provided artificial illumination.rn

rnldblquote According to Buddhism we are earning a good karma or merit

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