Doing IT Right

Hewlett-Packard (HP) is sprucing up its position in Sri Lanka to pitch for state and other large ICT initiatives, with a number of proposals already handed in.
The company believes it is ideally positioned, especially with its merger with Compaq in May 2002, to support large IT oriented projects.
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rnHP and Compaqs presence reaching most Sri Lankans through their large portfolio of products has made the company a household name, says Country Sales Manager Crishan Fernando, giving them an opening into most organizations. rn

rnAmong the first steps in moving towards strengthening its presence in Sri Lanka, the company Wednesday launched its Enterprise System Group set of hardware and software solutions to enhance its presence locally. rn

rnThe new range of products include storage devices, servers and software among others, which promise to enhance business agility. rn

rnThe most exciting news HP brings to its customer is its merger with Compaq and with it a larger portfolio of products to suit

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