Democrats retake House, Republicans retain Senate in US midterm elections

Nov 07, 2018 (LBO) – Democrats will seize the control of the lower house of Congress in midterm elections while Trump's Republicans will retain control of the Senate, projections of the leading television networks of the United States showed. Taking control of the lower chamber of Congress for the first time in eight years will enable Democrats to block legislation and prevent the president Trump's agenda. Yesterday's vote was seen as a referendum on the president, even though he is not up for re-election till 2020. The US holds congressional elections every two years. At each election, the whole of the House of Representatives and one-third of the 100-member Senate are elected. The representatives consequently serve a two-year term, and the senators six years. These elections are known as midterms when they fall outside the four-year presidential election cycle.
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Being in the middle of the presidential term, they are usually understood to be at least partially a reaction to the president's performance so far, and usually see the president's party losing seats.
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