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Coomaraswamy named Central Bank Governor of the Year, South Asia


The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is pleased to announce that Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy, Governor Central Bank of Sri Lanka has been named Central Bank Governor of the Year, South Asia, by the popular publication house Global Capital at Global Capital Markets Awards ceremony in Washington DC on 14 October 2017, which coincides with the World Bank-IMF Annual meetings. “GobalCapital is a leading news, opinion and data service for people and institutions working in the international capital markets” The article which appears in “GlobalCapital” by Elliot Wilson on 13 October 2017 dedicated to the award on the global capital website, is titled ‘Cool, calm and collected approach to central banking’. The article begins by stating that “South Asia is awash with highly capable central bank chiefs, yet Indrajit Coomaraswamy fully deserves this award for his unstinting professionalism and for ushering his country through some choppy waters over the past”.
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