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Committee appointed to investigate recent incidents of LPG explosions

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has appointed a Committee to look into the recent incidents of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinder fires and explosions that occurred at domestic, commercial, and sales outlets in various parts of the country and to find possible causes of the problem in order to provide immediate solutions to the issue.

The Committee chaired by Prof. Shantha Walpola, University of Moratuwa also includes Senior DIG Deshabandu Tennakoon, Prof. Ajith De Alwis, University of Moratuwa, Prof. W.D.W. Jayathilaka, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Prof.

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Pradeep Jayaweera, Prof. Narayan Sirimuthu, Commissioner of the Sri Lanka Inventors Commission, Dr.
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Sudarshana Somasiri, Additional Director General of the Technical Services and Sujeewa Mahagama, Senior Deputy Director of Sri Lanka Standards Institution as other members.

The President has instructed the Committee to get the information from all the necessary parties and look into existing studies and various views and submit the report to him within two weeks.

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