ComBank introduces first QR-enabled payment option for Credit Cards in Sri Lanka

Commercial Bank Credit Card holders can now conveniently and instantly settle their Credit Card outstanding via their mobile QR payment App by scanning a QR code appearing on the Bank’s website.

This is the first time any Sri Lankan Bank has enabled QR code payments to settle Credit Card dues.

In order to make the payment, the Cardholder should visit and select the ‘Credit Card Payments’ tab in the home page. The cardholder then enters the card details and selects ‘Pay through QR’ option to do the card settlement.

The dynamic QR code on the screen can be scanned through the ComBank Q+ App, Sri Lanka’s first QR based payment app under LANKAQR, any other QR payment app that supports LankaQR standards, or any application that supports the MasterCard QR or Visa QR supported apps, the Bank said.

Commercial Bank recently upgraded both the Consumer and Merchant applications of the ComBank Q+ Payment App, with features including biometric authentication login for both applications and merchant self-registration.

In addition to being able to settle Commercial Bank Credit Card bills, there are currently more than 500 Q+ acceptance outlets around the island, including book stores, coffee shops, restaurants, fashion retailers, florists, groceries and supermarkets, IT equipment retailers, laundry services, lodging, pharmacies and hospitals, photographic studios and salons that the Bank’s customers can make QR payments to.

QR payments to ComBank Credit Cards can also be made via QR payment apps of other LANKAQR members including Bank of Ceylon, Cargills Bank, DFCC Bank, LOLC Finance, National Savings Bank, Sampath Bank, and Nations Trust Bank.

The first Sri Lankan Bank to be listed among the Top 1000 Banks of the World and the only Sri Lankan bank to be so listed for 10 years consecutively, Commercial Bank is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. The Bank, which won more than 50 international and local awards in 2019, operates a network of 268 branches and 873 ATMs in Sri Lanka.

Commercial Bank’s overseas operations encompass Bangladesh, where the Bank operates 19 outlets; Myanmar, where it has a Representative Office in Yangon and a Microfinance company in Nay Pyi Taw; and the Maldives, where the Bank has a fully-fledged Tier I Bank with a majority stake.

(Media Release)

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