Collective Voice

May 09, 2012 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's Ceylon Chamber of Commerce has asked authorities to probe a recent purchase of stock of a finance company by a state bank at more than 65 percent above market price.

The state-run National Savings Bank has since stopped payment on the deal raising another hornet's nest, with a settlement bank already having paid the seller.

Sri Lanka's main opposition has called for a probe and the resignation of NSB's chairman.

The full statement of the chamber is reproduced below

The recent purchase of shares of The Finance Company PLC by the National Savings Bank

The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) notes with concern the recent transaction of approximately 13% of The Finance Company PLC. The Chamber believes that ensuring integrity and transparency are vital to maintain investor confidence in the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) for the capital market to remain robust.

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Whilst appreciating the timely intervention by the officials in recognizing the possible governance issues in the transaction and for initiating measures to conduct an inquiry, the CCC urges policy makers and regulators to ensure that the outcome of the inquiries results in identi

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